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Τετάρτη 1 Αυγούστου 2012
Persecutions by Christians against non christians
Statue de Constantin Ier, Musée du Capitole, Rome (Photo credit:
Persecutions by Christians
304 Destruction of 2 Indian Temples in the Canton of Jaron on the upper Euphrates
314 Council of Ancyra
324 Emperor Constantine declares Christianity the only official religion of the Roman Empire
326 Emperor Constantine destroys temples
330 Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the Pagan Temples
335 Constantine Orders Sacking of Temples and Execution of Magicians
335 Constantine sacks many Pagan Temples
341 Emperor Constans persecutes "all the soothsayers and the Hellenists"
346 Large-scale persecutions of the Gentiles in Constantinople
353 Constantius decrees the death penalty for all forms of worship involving sacrifice and "idols"
354 Constantius orders the closing of all Pagan Temples
356 Constantius orders the destruction of the Pagan Temples and the execution of all "idolaters"
357 Constantius outlaws all methods of Divination
359 Christians organise the first death camps for the torture and execution of arrested Gentiles
364 Confiscation of all properties of Pagan Temples (December 23)
364 Confiscation of all properties of Pagan Temples (February 4th)
364 Confiscation of all properties of Pagan Temples (September 9th)
364 Death penalty for all Gentiles that worship their ancestral Gods or practice Divination
364 Emperor Flavius Jovianus orders the burning of the Library of Antioch
365 Edict forbids Gentile officers of the army to command Christian soldiers
370 Persecution of Gentiles throughout the Eastern Empire
372 Order to exterminate the Hellenes and destroy all writings of their wisdom
373 New prohibition of all methods of Divination
375 Temple of Asclepius is closed down
380 Christianity becomes the exclusive religion of the Roman Empire
381 Theodosius deprives Christians who return to the Pagan Religion of all their rights
384 Order to destroy the Temples of the Gentiles in Northern Greece and Asia Minor
385 Destruction of the temple of Jupiter at Apamea in Syria by Cynegius
385 Systematic destruction of pagan temples, shrines and altars
386 Destruction of the Temple at Edessa in upper Mesopotamia
386 Emperor Theodosius outlaws the care of sacked Pagan Temples
388 Christian mob sacked the Jewish Synagogue in Callinicum
388 Public talks on religious subjects are outlawed
389 Mob violence against non-Christians
391 Edict prohibits looking at vandalised statues
392 Destruction of a Mithraeum in Alexandria
392 Outlaws all non-Christian rituals
393 Olympic Games are outlawed as idolatry
395 Two new edicts lead to new persecutions against the Pagans
396 Paganism is to be treated as high treason
397 All remaining Pagan Temples are to be demolished
398 Prohibits the study of Pagan books
399 Orders all remaining Temples, mainly in the countryside, to be immediately demolished
400 Forced baptism in Vesai
401 Christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys temples and idols
401 Final Destruction of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
401 Saint Porphyrius sends his followers to lynch Gentiles in Gaza
401 The 15th Council of Chalcedon orders excommunication for Christians who still keep good relations with their gentile relatives
402 Destruction of 8 Pagan Temples in Gaza under Saint Porphyrius
405 John Chrysostom sends his hordes of monks to destroy idols
406 John Chrysostom collects funds from rich Christian women
406 Persecutions on Cyprus
407 A new edict outlaws once more all non-christian acts of worship
408 New persecutions, including book burnings
409 Another edict orders Astrology and all methods of Divination to be punishable by death
415 Mobs in Alexandria murder Hypatia
416 Hypatius exterminates the last Gentiles of Bithynia
423 Theodosius II declares the religion of the Gentiles is nothing more than demon worship
429 Parthenon sacked and Athenian Pagans are persecuted
435 Death penalty for all "heretics" and "pagans" of the Empire
438 Theodosius II blames pagan idolatry for a plague
440 to 450 Christians demolish all the monuments, altars and temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.
448 Theodosius II orders all non-Christian books burned
450 All the Temples of Aphrodisias are demolished and its libraries burned down
451 Edict by Theodosius II emphasizes that "idolatry" is to be punished by death
457 to 491 Sporadic persecutions against Gentiles of the Eastern Empire
482 The majority of the Gentiles of Asia Minor are exterminated
486 Underground pagan priests are killed in Alexandria, Egypt
515 Obligatory Baptism and the Massacre of Gentiles in Zoara
526 Closing of the last functioning Eqyptian temple (on Philae)
528 Emperor Jutprada (Justinianus) executes diviners and prohibits all pagan teachings
529 Emperor Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy
532 The inquisitor monk Ioannis Asiacus leads a crusade against the Gentiles of Asia Minor.
542 Conversion of pagans of Phrygia, Caria and Lydia
546 Hundreds of Gentiles are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus
556 Emperor Justinianus orders the extermination of pagans in Antioch
562 Persecution of pagans in Athens, Antioch, Palmyra and Constantinople
578 to 582 Exterminate the last Gentiles of Heliopolis (Baalbek)
580 Christian inquisitors attack a secret Temple of Zeus in Antioch
583 New persecutions against the pagan Greeks by the Emperor Mauricius
590 A new wave of torture and executions erupts
692 Banning of remaining pagan festivals
804 The Greeks of Laconia, Greece, resist successfully the attempt to convert them to Christianity
950 to 988 Violent conversion of the last Gentile Hellenes of Laconia by the Armenian "Saint" Nikon
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