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Παρασκευή 22 Ιουνίου 2012

Christian tomatoes / "Οι ντομάτες είναι χριστιανικές, το φάγωμα τους είναι αμαρτία"

"Οι ντομάτες είναι χριστιανικές, το φάγωμα τους είναι αμαρτία"

Eνα διαφορετικό δημοσίευμα μας τράβηξε την προσοχή. Τίτλος του "Οι ντομάτες είναι χριστιανικές, το φάγωμα τους είναι αμαρτία". Η γνωστή για τις ακραίες της απόψεις ισλαμιστική ομάδα Σελεφί στην Αίγυπτο ισχυρίστηκε πως οι ντομάτες είναι χριστιανικές και το φάγωμα τους αμαρτία. Σύμφωνα με την ιστοσελίδα Now Lebanon, στην ιστοσελίδα της ομάδας αυτής στο Facebook δημοσιεύεται φωτογραφία ντομάτας και προτρέπει τους αναγνώστες της να μην τις τρώνε. Τι άλλο θα ακούσουμε;
Tro-ma-ktiko   ·   Πριν από 2 ώρες, 36 λεπτά  ·   


    Salafist group warns tomatoes are “Christian” - NOW Lebanon


    Salafist group warns tomatoes are “Christian”
    Posted by: Angie Nassar    share
    Tuesday, June 12. 2012

    (Photo via Facebook.com)

    This makes perfect sense... because it makes no sense.
    A Salafist group called the Popular Egyptian Islamic Association has come under fire after sending out a warning on Facebook urging its followers not to eat tomatoes because the vegetable (or fruit) is a Christian food.
    The group posted a photo on its page of a tomato - which appears to reveal the shape of a cross after being cut in half – along with the message: “Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian. [The tomato] praises the cross instead of Allah and says that Allah is three (a reference to the Trinity).

    [God help us]. I implore you to spread this photo because there is a sister from Palestine who saw the prophet of Allah [Mohammad] in a vision and he was crying, warning his nation against eating them [tomatoes]. If you don’t spread this [message], know that it is the devil who stopped you.”
    Yeah... no.
    Predictably, Facebook users expressed outrage over the post, which prompted the group to clarify its stance on the controversy with the update, “We didn’t say you can’t eat tomatoes. We said don’t cut it in [such a way that reveals] the cross shape.”
    I see what you did there. Crazy religious nutjobs are still crazy.
    I wonder if the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, Mohammad Morsi, is happy about getting an endorsement from this group?

    Ο κατά Σωκράτη ορισμός του μορφωμένου ανθρώπου

    Ο κατά Σωκράτη ορισμός του μορφωμένου ανθρώπου
    Όταν ρώτησαν το Σωκράτη να τους δώσει τον ορισμό του μορφωμένου ανθρώπου, δεν ανέφερε τίποτε για τη συσσώρευση γνώσεων. «Η μόρφωση είπε, είναι θέμα συμπεριφοράς…
    Ποιους ανθρώπους λοιπόν θεωρώ μορφωμένους;
    1. Πρώτα απ’ όλους αυτούς που ελέγχουν δυσάρεστες καταστάσεις, αντί να ελέγχονται από αυτές…
    2. Αυτούς που αντιμετωπίζουν όλα τα γεγονότα με γενναιότητα & λογική..
    3. Αυτούς που είναι έντιμοι σε όλες τους τις συνδιαλλαγές..
    4. Αυτούς που αντιμετωπίζουν γεγονότα δυσάρεστα και ανθρώπους αντιπαθείς καλοπροαίρετα.
    5. Αυτούς που ελέγχουν τις απολαύσεις τους..
    6. Αυτούς που δεν νικήθηκαν από τις ατυχίες και τις αποτυχίες τους..
    7. Τελικά αυτούς που δεν έχουν φθαρεί από τις επιτυχίες και την δόξα τους…»
    Σωκράτης (469-399 π.Χ.)
    Μετά τα ανωτέρω, πόσους μορφωμένους πολιτικούς (δικούς μας και ξένους) μπορείτε να ονομάσετε;

    Πέμπτη 21 Ιουνίου 2012


    G20 Protest videos in Mexico are filtered out

    No video related to g20 in Mexico 2012 summit was aired.

    Ενώ οι G20 συνεδριάζανε στο Μεξικό, ακριβώς απ' έξω γινόταν μία από τις μεγαλύτερες διαδηλώσεις παγκοσμίως με μηδενική τηλεοπτική και δημοσιογραφική κάλυψη!
    Οι κυβερνήσεις έκαναν αίτημα στην google η όποια είναι ιδιοκτήτρια του Youtube και έτσι όλα τα βίντεο κατεβαίνουνε από το yοutube αμέσως μόλις ανέβουνε.... Τα κανάλια ασφαλώς έχουν συμφωνήσει να μην καλύψουν αυτή την διαδήλωση....
    Στη φωτο κάτω αριστερά
    Φωτογραφία: Ενώ οι G20 συνεδριάζανε στο Μεξικό, ακριβώς απ' έξω γινόταν μία από τις μεγαλύτερες διαδηλώσεις παγκοσμίως με μηδενική τηλεοπτική και δημοσιογραφική κάλυψη!
Οι κυβερνήσεις έκαναν αίτημα στην google η όποια είναι ιδιοκτήτρια του Youtube και έτσι όλα τα βίντεο κατεβαίνουνε από το yοutube αμέσως μόλις ανέβουνε.... Τα κανάλια ασφαλώς έχουν συμφωνήσει να μην καλύψουν αυτή την διαδήλωση.... 
Στη φωτο κάτω αριστερά

    The complete idiots guide to atheism

    If any god is afraid of my thoughts, understanding and civil activities, and tries to scare me, punish me or exclude me, then this god too small and is a failure of the whatever people and gods accept as god, and this god is not deserving the title of god, if we accept that this god created me. If I had this honour to be created personally by a god, I assume I would be given something more than suffering body and empty from knowledge mind, which I personally have to cater for.

    Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2012

    Faithful Americans (not only) mostly illiterate on Religion

    Pie chart of Americans by religion
    Pie chart of Americans by religion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Religion is a set of practice rituals, that are easy to be copied by someone who wants to "practice" the particular religion. 

    But rituals are the external layer of something that it may look like the same but underneath the external practices, the real individual is hidden, never expressed in public for what they really understand, do or like in a particular dogmatic framework of a religious group. 

    The real faith is personal and individually different on any single human as much as their DNA: All human DNA have same structure and none is matching.

    People are taking faith on faith, and this on an individual personal level, makes it easy to see why not even two devoted faithful humans, in the same religion, to have the same faith.

    A recent Pew survey reveals that, although the majority of Americans may consider themselves to be religious, many are in fact unaware of basic tenets concerning their faith. Byron Pitts reports.

    To me war based on religion is a clear sign of war based o propaganda. Nobody knows what, nobody wants to know what, everyone wants action against the unknown, different and "evil" of the "foreign thought". In practice none of the two fighting parties can prove they are able to think in order to create contradicting thoughts, It is a matter of being used as an excuse to fight.

    The human societies are in grave danger of the people of faith, as their thought on preferences is described by them to them and also to others as the "right way" to think. This is pure egoism.

    Egoism is the name of religion, any religion any place any time. And as far as I know if egoism is an antisocial path to live in a society, organised egoism which is called religion, makes it the most dangerous mass hallucination against human societies.

    Self test:

    • Write down the perception you have about yourself.
    • Ask your family members to write their own perception about you.
    • Then ask anyone who has interacted with you or just heard about you to write about you.
    • Also ask their relatives to write about what the heard about you.

    • Sit down and try to understand who do people think you are for them.
    • Choose the version you like
    • Choose the version you see as more popular
    • Try to force any one version to others by any means

    What do you get ?

    Write down your thoughts /  results.

    Now on the next experiment:
    • Choose a date and place for an open air / street / building based party
    • Select a set of activities
    • Call locals to participate
    • Ask them if they consider to repeat it next year same time

    What do you get now?

    Write down thoughts  /  results.

    Finally, assess what is common and what is not in the two experiments above. If you like to include any conclusions, please state the basis of classifying each one and the result.

    Illiterate religious people http://youtu.be/wifUXxsOPMA

    American Theocracy: Radical Religion Oil and Borrowed Money

    American Theocracy
    American Theocracy (Photo credit: elycefeliz)
    Kevin Phillips examines the axis of religion, politics, and borrowed money that threatens to destroy the nation. He maintains that every world-dominating power has been brought down by a related set of causes: a lethal combination of global over-reach, militant religion, resource problems, and ballooning debt. Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [1/2007] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 12093]

    this was a rather provocative book. The scary part is while Id like to say he is crazy for some of the things he says about the evangelical southern religious denominations, the amazing thing is I saw those things with my own eyes BEFORE reading his book....so while people who dont like his views say he is throwing wild accusations, he is quite based in fact for a solid portion of them at the least, if not more then just a portion.

    ΠΑΘΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΘΩΣ. Σκάσε Αντωνάκη Μου ...

    Sam Harris - Islam and the Future of Liberalism on The Joe Rogan Experi...

    English: Sam Harris
    English: Sam Harris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Sam Harris talks on the Joe Rogan experience podcast, about religion, drugs, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, politics, consciousness and numerous other topics.


    Τρίτη 19 Ιουνίου 2012

    Tarte,ex-priest,atheist--Priestly Sex Abuse of Boys

    English: Atheist Badge:The design of the A-let...
    English: Atheist Badge:The design of the A-letter originates from the outcampaign.org - "Scarlet A" Deutsch: Atheist Kennzeichnungsplakette (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Ex catholic priest and now atheist, is speaking out ... on sex, pedophilia, marriage, religion politics and people management

    Uploaded by  on May 20, 2010
    I invite you to visit (my) blog: http://edwardtarte.blogspot.com/

    καυλομύκητες , οἱ, / Cordyceps: attack of the killer fungi - Planet Earth Attenborough BBC wi...

    English: Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service...
    English: Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service - SRS-4552, United States parasitized by the fungus Cordyceps, order Clavicipitales (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    καυλο-μύκητες , οἱ,   A. stalk-fungi, burlesque name in Luc.VH1.16.

    Fungus Stalk - The Elder Scrolls Wiki

    Sir David Attenborough and the Planet Earth team discover the weird world of the Cordyceps; killer fungi that invades the body of an insect to grow and diminish the insect population. Fascinating animal and wildlife video from the BBC. Epic natural world masterpiece: 'Planet Earth'.

    καυλός , ,
    A. stem of a plant (opp. στέλεχος, of trees, Thphr.HP1.1.9), Epich.158Ar.Eq.824 (anap.); κσιλφίου ib.894 σίλφιον  ὀπὸς “ κ.Hp.Acut.37; called “ἐκ Κυρήνης κ.” Hermipp.63.4; “κἐκ Καρχηδόνος” Eub.19; “κΛίβυς” Antiph.217.13, cf. 325; “κράμβης” BGU1118.12(pl., i B.C.), cf. Dsc.2.120Archig. ap. Gal.13.331.
    3. of various tubular structures in animals, πτεροῦ καυλός quill part of a feather, Pl.Phdr.251b, cf. Arist. HA504a31;neck of the bladder, ib.497a20duct of the penis, ib. 510a26cervix uteri, ib.510b11ovipositor of locusts, ib.555b21.
    4. shank of a fish-hook, Opp.H.3.148.
    II. vegetable of the cabbage kind, cole, kail, cauliflowerAlex.127.5Anaxandr.41.58 (pl.), Eub.7.3 (pl.).
    III. membrum virileHp.Int.14D.S.32.11Gal.UP14.12Ruf.Onom.101, etc. (Cf. Lat.caulus, caulis, Lith. kaáulas 'bone'.)

    μύκης [υ^]ητος (but Ion. gen. -εω Archil.47, acc. -ην Hecat.22 J. (-ῆν codd.), Nic.Fr.72.7; Dor. and Att. nom. pl.
    A. μύκαι” Epich.155Thphr.Sign.42Diocl.Fr.119; acc. pl. “μύκας” PSI6.620.31 (iii B. C.), censured by Phryn.178; dat. pl. “τοῖς μύκαιςDiph.Siph. ap. Ath.2.62c), mushroom or other fungusEpich. l. c., Antiph.188226.4227.11Ephipp.27Polioch.2.4,Thphr.HP1.1.11PSIl.c., Nic.Al.525Dsc. 4.82Paus.2.16.3.
    II. any knobbed round body, shaped like a mushroom,
    1. chape or cap at the end of a scabbardHecat. l.c., Hdt.3.64Paus. l.c.
    2. membrum virileArchil. l.c., Hsch.
    3. fleshy excrescence, such as forms on wounds, Hp.Morb.2.50Gal.17(1).703.
    b. excrescence on trees, Thphr.HP4.14.3.
    4. stump of an olive cut down, IG2.1055.43.
    5. snuff of a lamp-wickAr.V.262Thphr.Sign. l.c., Arat.976Call.Fr.47AP5.262 (Agath.).
    6. μύκαι οἷς τὰ ἱμάτια βάπτουσι, dub. sens. in Zopyr. ap. Orib.14.62.1.— Fem. only in Epich.l.c. (where however οἷον αἰμύκαι is prob. cj.) and Thphr.Sign.l.c. (Prob. cogn. with “μύξα” A.

    Δευτέρα 18 Ιουνίου 2012

    Nigel Farage: This is How Dictatorship Begins

    LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 05:  Nigel Farage, ...
    LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 05: Nigel Farage, a former leader of the UK Independence Party, prepares to deliver a speech after being announced as party leader again on November 5, 2010 in London, England. Mr Farage, who led the party from 2006 till 2009, was re-elected following a postal ballot of all 18,000 UKIP members. Mr Farage was injured in a light aircraft crash on the day of this year's general election. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
    http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://twitter.com/#!/Nigel_Farage
    • UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP is interviewed by Claudio Messora of Byoblu.com (Italy) - aired 25 November 2011

    • Source:
    Byoblu intervista Nigel Farage - COSI' INIZIANO LE DITTATURE!

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