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Σάββατο 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Η τιτανομαχία και τα παρατράγουδα της είναι Ελληνική παράδοση
Προσεβλήθη από τους συνεργάτες του
Τετάρτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Education: Learning Styles Debunked
Web address: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/ 091216162356.htm |
Education: Learning Styles Debunked
ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2009) — Are you a verbal learner or a visual learner? Chances are, you've pegged yourself or your children as either one or the other and rely on study techniques that suit your individual learning needs. And you're not alone -- for more than 30 years, the notion that teaching methods should match a student's particular learning style has exerted a powerful influence on education. The long-standing popularity of the learning styles movement has in turn created a thriving commercial market amongst researchers, educators, and the general public.
The wide appeal of the idea that some students will learn better when material is presented visually and that others will learn better when the material is presented verbally, or even in some other way, is evident in the vast number of learning-style tests and teaching guides available for purchase and used in schools. But does scientific research really support the existence of different learning styles, or the hypothesis that people learn better when taught in a way that matches their own unique style?
Unfortunately, the answer is no, according to a major new report published this month in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The report, authored by a team of eminent researchers in the psychology of learning -- Hal Pashler (University of San Diego), Mark McDaniel (Washington University in St. Louis), Doug Rohrer (University of South Florida), and Robert Bjork (University of California, Los Angeles) -- reviews the existing literature on learning styles and finds that although numerous studies have purported to show the existence of different kinds of learners (such as "auditory learners" and "visual learners"), those studies have not used the type of randomized research designs that would make their findings credible.
Nearly all of the studies that purport to provide evidence for learning styles fail to satisfy key criteria for scientific validity. Any experiment designed to test the learning-styles hypothesis would need to classify learners into categories and then randomly assign the learners to use one of several different learning methods, and the participants would need to take the same test at the end of the experiment. If there is truth to the idea that learning styles and teaching styles should mesh, then learners with a given style, say visual-spatial, should learn better with instruction that meshes with that style. The authors found that of the very large number of studies claiming to support the learning-styles hypothesis, very few used this type of research design. Of those that did, some provided evidence flatly contradictory to this meshing hypothesis, and the few findings in line with the meshing idea did not assess popular learning-style schemes.
No less than 71 different models of learning styles have been proposed over the years. Most have no doubt been created with students' best interests in mind, and to create more suitable environments for learning. But psychological research has not found that people learn differently, at least not in the ways learning-styles proponents claim. Given the lack of scientific evidence, the authors argue that the currently widespread use of learning-style tests and teaching tools is a wasteful use of limited educational resources.
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by Association for Psychological Science, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Journal References:
- Rohrer et al. Increasing Retention Without Increasing Study Time. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2007; 16 (4): 183 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8721.2007.00500.x
- McDaniel et al. The Read-Recite-Review Study Strategy: Effective and Portable. Psychological Science, 2009; 20 (4): 516 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02325.x
- Roediger et al. Test-Enhanced Learning. Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention. Psychological Science, 2006; 17 (3): 249 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01693.x
- Hal Pashler et al. Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, (in press)
Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Different Parts Of The Brain Handle Fantasy And Reality
![]() | Web address: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/03/ 020329072629.htm |
Different Parts Of The Brain Handle Fantasy And Reality
Michael J. Tarr, one of the paper's co-authors and professor of cognitive and linguistic sciences at Brown University, had proposed in several papers with Steven Pinker at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that the same mechanism must be involved in the two tasks. "There are parts of our brain that are involved in our ability to imagine the world," he says. "The question is, 'Are those the same as the parts of the brain that we use to know what things are?' And the answer appears to be, 'No, they are not.'"
Also collaborating on the study were William G. Hayward of Chinese University of Hong Kong and an fMRI team from the Yale School of Medicine headed by John C. Gore.
To find out what parts of the brain are involved in these two mental tasks, the researchers began with six unfamiliar geometric shapes that look something like the pieces from an unfolded Rubic's cube. They used three of these objects – two of which were mirror images – for the mental rotation tasks and three which were slightly different but similar in appearance for the object recognition tasks. Next, they assembled a group of 15 subjects and used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine to measure activity levels in different parts of their brains.
During the fMRI sessions, the researchers had the subjects perform two types of tasks using the objects. They displayed the objects in pairs on a screen and, in one case, they asked the subjects whether the two are identical or mirror images – a basic mental rotation task. In the other case, they asked them whether the two objects were the same or different – a basic object recognition task. The objects were shown at different angles from each other on the horizontal, vertical and out-of-plane axes and the researchers measured the time it took the people to answer.
When they examined the brain scans, the scientists found that the areas activated during the two tasks tended to lie on two different pathways in the visual system. These two pathways, called the ventral and dorsal, are sometimes called the "what" and "where" pathways. When asked questions about the identity of an object – for example, is it the same shape as a second object? – then the ventral pathway, which includes the temporal lobe, is activated. But when a person is asked where an object is located, the dorsal pathway, which lies in the parietal lobe, becomes active.
The first place the researchers looked was the parietal lobe because previous studies had shown that it is involved in mental rotation tasks. They confirmed these observations and found that when the difference in orientation in the mental rotation tasks was large, the amount of parietal lobe activity was greater than when the difference was small.
In the object recognition tasks, however, the researchers saw a much different pattern. They did see some activity in the parietal region. Surprisingly, however, the amount of activity in the parietal lobe decreased at larger orientation differences. In addition, they found that the brain area that did show an increase in activity with larger differences in orientation was in the ventral pathway. "This is the first indication we have that the brain doesn't rely on the same processes to accomplish these two tasks, despite the fact that they appear to be so similar," says Gauthier.
During the course of evolution, it seems as if the same solutions have arisen more than once for similar problems in the way our brains work, adds Tarr. "They look very similar behaviorally, but it turns out they use completely different neural circuits and the brain doesn't know how to put them together."
For more news about research at Vanderbilt, visit the online research magazine Exploration at http://exploration.vanderbilt.edu.
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by Vanderbilt University.
Magnesium Supplement Helps Boost Brainpower
Web address: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/ 100127121524.htm |
Magnesium Supplement Helps Boost Brainpower
"Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of many tissues in the body, including the brain and, in an earlier study, we demonstrated that magnesium promoted synaptic plasticity in cultured brain cells," explains Dr. Liu. "Therefore it was tempting to take our studies a step further and investigate whether an increase in brain magnesium levels enhanced cognitive function in animals."
Because it is difficult to boost brain magnesium levels with traditional oral supplements, Dr. Liu and colleagues developed a new magnesium compound, magnesium-L-threonate (MgT) that could significantly increase magnesium in the brain via dietary supplementation. They used MgT to increase magnesium in rats of different ages and then looked for behavioral and cellular changes associated with memory.
"We found that increased brain magnesium enhanced many different forms of learning and memory in both young and aged rats," says Dr. Liu. A close examination of cellular changes associated with memory revealed an increase in the number of functional synapses, activation of key signaling molecules and an enhancement of short- and long-term synaptic processes that are crucial for learning and memory.
The authors note that the control rats in this study had a normal diet which is widely accepted to contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, and that the observed effects were due to elevation of magnesium to levels higher than provided by a normal diet.
"Our findings suggest that elevating brain magnesium content via increasing magnesium intake might be a useful new strategy to enhance cognitive abilities," explains Dr. Liu. "Moreover, half the population of industrialized countries has a magnesium deficit, which increases with aging. This may very well contribute to age-dependent memory decline; increasing magnesium intake might prevent or reduce such decline."
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by Cell Press, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Journal Reference:
- Inna Slutsky, Nashat Abumaria, Long-Jun Wu, Chao Huang, Ling Zhang, Bo Li, Xiang Zhao, Arvind Govindarajan, Ming-Gao Zhao, Min Zhuo, Susumu Tonegawa and Guosong Liu. Enhancement of Learning and Memory by Elevating Brain Magnesium. Neuron, Jan. 28, 2010
Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Newsroom / Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Talk With Mike Greenman
Newsroom / Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Talk With Mike Greenman.
Newsroom / FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful
Newsroom / FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful
Καπετάν Μητρούσης-Γηγενής Μακεδονομάχος απο Σέρρες
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - Μισιρλού
"Misirlou" - a popular Greek song with a cult-like popularity in four very diverse styles of music: Greek (rebetiko), Middle-Eastern (belly dancing), Jewish wedding music (Klezmer), and American (surf rock).
Brain's 'Gambling Circuitry' Identified
![]() | Web address: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/08/ 060803091759.htm |
Brain's 'Gambling Circuitry' Identified
In their research article published in the August 3, 2006, issue of Neuron, published by Cell Press, the researchers said their findings and experimental method could help in understanding and perhaps treating aberrant risk-taking in disorders including gambling addiction, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia.
In their experiments, the researchers asked subjects to choose two cards from a deck numbered one to ten. Before their choice, however, the subjects were asked to bet $1 on whether the first or second card would be higher. The fMRI imaging of the subjects' brains during the gambling task could show the researchers which areas of the brain activated during different parts of the task. In fMRI, harmless radio signals and magnetic fields are used to measure blood flow in brain regions, which reflects activity in those regions.
The researchers concentrated their analysis on the "anticipatory period" between the display of the first and second card, since it was then that the subjects were able to judge from the number on the card the risk of whether they were likely to win or lose their bet that the second card would be higher or lower.
Furthermore, the researchers divided that anticipatory period into two subperiods. During a one second period immediately after the first card was displayed, subjects were concentrating on expected reward, theorized the researchers; and in the following six seconds before the second card, they were assessing the risk revealed by the first card. The researchers based this approach on studies by other researchers of such processes in primates.
Quartz and colleagues found they could distinguish brain regions that specifically responded to either reward expectation or risk. Importantly, these areas showed activity that increased with the level of expected reward and perceived risk. The researchers found that the activation related to expected reward was immediate, while the activation related to risk was delayed.
These regions were part of the brain circuitry governed by the neurotransmitter dopamine that is also involved in learning, motivation, and salience. However, emphasized the researchers, the design of their gambling task and analysis of their data ruled out involvement of these functions, meaning that they had, indeed, isolated the "gambling" function of these regions.
Of the practical implications of their findings, the researchers wrote that "pathological behaviors ranging from addiction to gambling, as well as a variety of mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, are partially characterized by risk taking. To date, it is unknown whether such pathological decision making under risk is due to misperception of risk or disruptions in cognitive processes, such as learning, planning, and choice.
"For example, a bipolar subject during a manic episode may invest in a risky business proposition either because they misperceive the risk to be lower than it actually is, or because they accurately perceive the risk to be high but may have impaired learning, attentional, working memory, or choice processes."
Previous research approaches had not been able to distinguish the processes underlying such risky behavior, wrote the researchers. However, they wrote, "Since our task was designed to minimize the involvement of these high-level processes, in the future it may be utilized with clinical populations to determine whether alterations in risk perception accompany their changes in risky behavior. This may lead to a better understanding of the relative contributions of risk misperception versus cognitive impairments in these pathological cases, may suggest different treatment approaches, and may also gauge the impact on and the feedback from higher-level brain regions known to contribute to decision making."
The researchers include Kerstin Preuschoff, Peter Bossaerts, and Steven R. Quartz of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA. This work was supported by NSF Grant 0093757, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
Preuschoff et al.: "Neural Differentiation of Expected Reward and Risk in Human Subcortical Structures." Publishing in Neuron 51, 381--390, August 3, 2006 DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2006.06.024 www.neuron.org
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by Cell Press, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Δευτέρα 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Μη μιλάς άλλο γι' αγάπη
Δίσκος: Φορτηγό, 1966
Μία η άνοιξη ένα το σύννεφο χρυσή βροχή
βροχή που χόρευε σε κάμπο ώριμο ως το πρωί
σαν στάχυα έλυσες πάνω στους ώμους μου χρυσά μαλλιά
σαν στάχυ χόρεψες σαν στάχυα αμέτρητα ήταν τα φιλιά
Μη μιλάς άλλο για αγάπη η αγάπη είναι παντού
στην καρδιά μας στη ματιά μας τρώει τα χείλη τρώει το νου
όταν θα 'χουμε υποφέρει καλημέρα θα μας πει
θα μας φύγει θα ξανάρθει κι όλο πάλι απ' την αρχή
Μία η θάλασσα ένας ο ήλιος της γλάροι λευκοί
ήλιος και θάλασσα γλυκό κορίτσι ζεστό πρωί
πρωί κι ορθάνοιξα τα δυο σου πέταλα μ' ένα φιλί
κι εσύ μου χάρισες όλη την άνοιξη σ' ένα κορμί
Μη μιλάς άλλο για αγάπη η αγάπη είναι παντού
στην καρδιά μας στη ματιά μας τρώει τα χείλη τρώει το νου
όταν θα 'χουμε υποφέρει καλημέρα θα μας πει
θα μας φύγει θα ξανάρθει κι όλο πάλι απ' την αρχή
Χθες ήταν έρωτας χθες ήταν σύννεφο χρυσή βροχή
χθες ήταν θάλασσα γλάρος που χόρευε με το πρωί
τώρα είναι η σιωπή τώρα είναι η λησμονιά κι ο χωρισμός
κι όλα τα αστέρια του θαρρείς πως έσβησε ο ουρανός
Μη μιλάς άλλο για αγάπη η αγάπη είναι παντού
στην καρδιά μας στη ματιά μας τρώει τα χείλη τρώει το νου
όταν θα 'χουμε υποφέρει καλημέρα θα μας πει
θα μας φύγει θα ξανάρθει κι όλο πάλι απ' την αρχή
Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος - Παπαδόπ & Ντουμπου ντα
Giannis Markopoulos, choir - Papadop dop dop
Music: Giannis Markopoulos / Lyrics: Mitsos Kasolas. From the film "The Rehearsal" ("I Dokimi", 1974) by Jules Dassin.
Ζάβαρα κάτρα νέμια
Όλες οι λέξεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στο συγκεκριμένο τραγούδι είναι ελληνικές όπως είπε ο ίδιος ο Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος στην εκπομπή ''συναντήσεις'' στην ΕΤ1 με οικοδεσπότη τον Λευτέρη Παπαδόπουλο
Είπε λοιπόν ο Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος (για πρώτη φορά)
-Η λέξη ''αλληλούια'' δεν είναι η γνωστή εβραϊκή λέξη άλλα η ελληνική λέξη αλληλουχία(με τη διαφορά ότι αφαιρέθηκε το χ).
-Η λέξη ''Ζαβαρα'' προέρχεται από τη λέξη Ζευς που πολύ συχνά χρησιμοποιόυσαν οι Κρητικοί(μιας και η Κρήτη θεωρείται η γεννέτειρα του Δία)
-Η λέξη νάμα σημαίνει βάπτισμα
-Η λέξη Λάμα σημαίνει λάμα(μαχαιριού)...!!!!
-Η λέξη νέμια σημαίνει ηρεμία
-Η λέξη Ίλεως σημάινει σπλαχνικός
Ζαβαρα = Λαβαρα
Κατρα = Μαυρα (κατραμι)
Νεμια = Ανεμισαν
Λαβαρα μαυρα ανεμισαν -πειρατες-
και παρακαλουμε για ελεος
Ειναι σαφες το υποννοουμενο για τη δικτατορια.....
Γράφτηκε την εποχή της χούντας και για να περάσει την λογοκρισία ο στοίχος μπορεί στην πραγματικότητα να μην σήμαινε τίποτα αλλά στην ουσία με την χροιά της φωνής του Ξυλούρη περνούσε ένα επαναστατικό μήνυμα! Στην ίδια επίσης εκπομπή τόνισε πως η λέξη αλληλούια ,που εμπεριέχεται στο ίδιο τραγούδι, δεν είναι η γνωστή εβραική λέξη, αλλά η ελληνική ''αλληλουχία'' από την οποία έχει αφαιρεθεί το ''χ''. Σαν να ήθελε δηλαδή να περάσει το μήνυμα, κατά τη γνώμη μου, ότι όλα έχουν μια λογική σειρά και φυσικά επακόλουθα. Οπότε απευθυνόμενος στον λαό τους παρότρυνε εμμέσως να επαναστατήσουν για να ''ρίξουν'' το απολυταρχικό καθεστώς.
Αντί παραδείγματος παρατίθονται οι στίχοι του ομώνυμου τραγουδιού
Στίχοι: Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος
Μουσική: Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος
(Πρώτη κυκλοφορία στο δίσκο του Γ. Μαρκόπουλου «Επιχείρησις Απόλλων» - 1968)
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
ίλεως ίλεως νέμια
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Κατά τον proxirop έχουμε την άποψη :
Θα είναι γνωστό πιστεύω σε όλους το τραγουδι του Γιάννη Μαρκόπουλου που τραγουδά ο Ξυλούρης το Ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Στίχοι: Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος
Μουσική: Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νίκος Ξυλούρης
Άλλες ερμηνείες: Χαράλαμπος Γαργανουράκης || Χαρούλα Αλεξίου
Πολλά έχουν λεχθεί για το τραγούδι αυτό.
Άλλοι λένε ότι οι λέξεις δεν σημαίνουν τίποτα, άλλοι ότι έχουν αρχαίες ελληνικές ρίζες και ότι ο Μαρκόπουλος το έγραψε την εποχή της δικτατορίας για να περάσει ένα κρυφό μήνυμα μέσα από την δικτατορική λογοκρισία.
Το τραγούδι είναι το παρακάτω
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
ίλεως ίλεως νέμια
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Σαν περίεργος που είμαι έψαξα τις λέξεις σε ένα αρχαίο Ελληνικό λεξικό να δω αν υπάρχουν και προς έκπληξη μου δείτε τι βρήκα
Ζαβαρα, ζαβαρείον = τόπος φύλαξης όπλων
Κάτρα = από το ιταλικό catrame = ολόμαυρος, πίσσα
Νέμια = νέμω = διοικώ, εξουσιάζω ή απονέμω διακοσύνη
ίλεως = ευμενής, σπλαχνικός
λάμα = θέλημα, θέληση
ναμα = ρους, πηγή, ρύση, κάθαρση
νέμια = απονομή του δικαίου, νέμεση
Αλληλούια = ανυμνείτε το Θεό (το γνωστό, όχι από αρχαίο ελληνικό λεξικό)
Μια πιθανή μετάφραση του τραγουδιού είναι
Πάρτε τα όπλα από την φύλαξη τους και πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία.
Θέληση, κάθαρση, απονομή δικαιοσύνης
Να είστε σπλαχνικοί και ευμενείς γιατί η απονομή του δικαίου και το θέλημα του Θεού είναι με το μέρος μας
ή κάπως έτσι
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία, να είστε ευμενείς, να είστε ευμενείς
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
θέληση, θέληση, κάθαρση, κάθαρση, απονομή δικαίου
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
Ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία
ίλεως ίλεως νέμια
ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία, απονομή δικαιοσύνης
Ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως ίλεως
ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
θέληση, θέληση, κάθαρση, κάθαρση, απονομή δικαίου
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ζαβαρακατρανέμια
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Ζαβαρακατρανέμια ίλεως ίλεως
Πολεμήστε την μαύρη εξουσία
ευσπλαχνία, ευσπλαχνία
λάμα λάμα νάμα νάμα νέμια
θέληση, θέληση, κάθαρση, κάθαρση, απονομή δικαίου
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Αλληλούια αλληλούια
Δοξάστε τον Θεό, Δοξάστε τον Θεό
Απὀ την ίδια τη φωνή του συνθέτη
Ορχηστρική έκδοση (χωρίς στίχους)
Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
American Weather Presenter
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Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
About this talk
Mycologist Paul Stamets lists 6 ways the mycelium fungus can help save the universe: cleaning polluted soil, making insecticides, treating smallpox and even flu ... Read more.
About Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets believes that mushrooms can save our lives, restore our ecosystems and transform other worlds.
Why you should listen to him:
Entrepreneurial mycologist Paul Stamets seeks to rescue the study of mushrooms from forest gourmets and psychedelic warlords. The focus of Stamets' research is the Northwest's native fungal genome, mycelium, but along the way he has filed 22 patents for mushroom-related technologies, including pesticidal fungi that trick insects into eating them, and mushrooms that can break down the neurotoxins used in nerve gas.
There are cosmic implications as well. Stamets believes we could terraform other worlds in our galaxy by sowing a mix of fungal spores and other seeds to create an ecological footprint on a new planet.
"Once you’ve heard 'renaissance mycologist' Paul Stamets talk about mushrooms, you'll never look at the world -- not to mention your backyard -- in the same way again."
Linda Baker, Salon.com