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Σάββατο 23 Απριλίου 2011
Πέμπτη 21 Απριλίου 2011
Αλί Καρ-Κέλμαν: Χρησιμοποιώντας τα παιχνίδια για να τονώσουμε το ενδιαφέρον των αγοριών για τη μάθηση
Αλί Καρ-Κέλμαν: Χρησιμοποιώντας τα παιχνίδια για να τονώσουμε το ενδιαφέρον των αγοριών για τη μάθηση.
About this talk
Στο TEDxPSU, η Αλί Καρ-Κέλμαν εντοπίζει τρεις λόγους για τους οποίους τα αγόρια εγκαταλείπουν μαζικά τα σχολεία και περιγράφει το σχέδιό της για να ξανατονώσουμε το ενδιαφέρον τους: φέρνοντας τη δική τους κουλτούρα μέσα στην τάξη, με νέους κανόνες που επιτρέπουν στα αγόρια να φέρονται σαν αγόρια και ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια που διδάσκουν και ψυχαγωγούν.
About Ali Carr-Chellman
Ali Carr-Chellman is an instructional designer and author who studies the most effective ways to teach kids and to make changes at school.
Why you should listen to her:
A former third-grade teacher, Ali Carr-Chellman realized that traditional elementary classrooms weren't for her, in part because she was frustrated by the lack of innovation, agility, and readiness to change in traditional schools. She's now an instructional designer, author and educator, working on how to change and innovate within schools to make education work better for more kids. She teaches at Penn State University in the College of Education, working primarily with doctoral-level students to help produce the next generation of faculty with inspired research ideas and methods. Carr-Chellman also teaches online courses focused on helping practicing teachers learn how to improve their own instructional design practices and how to improve their classrooms.
Her recent research projects include "Bring Back the Boys," looking at ways gaming can be used to re-engage boys in their elementary education. Another projects asks prisoners and homeless people to think about how to reform schools, bringing new voices to the policy-making table.
Her recent research projects include "Bring Back the Boys," looking at ways gaming can be used to re-engage boys in their elementary education. Another projects asks prisoners and homeless people to think about how to reform schools, bringing new voices to the policy-making table.
"Wow. This was really something. I went to college for 3D Animations/Video Game Design and it was the only time in my entire life where I felt comfortable and good at something. I actually felt smart! I would go on and on about how awesome my school was and I just never wanted to stop talking about it. It's an amazing feeling knowing you feel smart about something. ""someidiot23" on YouTube
Ο Τζέημς Γουότσον για το πως ανακάλυψε το DNA
Ο Τζέημς Γουότσον για το πως ανακάλυψε το DNA
About this talk
Ο κάτοχος νόμπελ Τζέημς Γουότσον ανοίγει το TED2005 με την ειλικρινή και αστεία ιστορία του πως ο ίδιος και ο συνερευτητής του, Φράνσις Κρικ, ανακάλυψαν τη δομή του DNA.
About James Watson
Nobel laureate James Watson took part in one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century: the discovery of the structure of DNA. More than 50 years later, he continues to investigate biology's deepest secrets.
Why you should listen to him:
James Watson has led a long, remarkable life, starting at age 12, when he was one of radio's high-IQ Quiz Kids. By age 15, he had enrolled in the University of Chicago, and by 25, working with Francis Crick (and drawing, controversially, on the research of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin), he had made the discovery that would eventually win the three men the Nobel Prize.
Watson and Crick's 1953 discovery of DNA's double-helix structure paved the way for the astounding breakthroughs in genetics and medicine that marked the second half of the 20th century. And Watson's classic 1968 memoir of the discovery, The Double Helix, changed the way the public perceives scientists, thanks to its candid account of the personality conflicts on the project.
From 1988 to 1994, he ran the Human Genome Project. His current passion is the quest to identify genetic bases for major illnesses; in 2007 he put his fully sequenced genome online, the second person to do so, in an effort to encourage personalized medicine and early detection and prevention of diseases.
Related articles
- James Watson menaced by hoodies shouting 'racist!' (newscientist.com)
- Feb 28, 1953: Watson and Crick Discover Chemical Structure of DNA (censorshipinamerica.com)
- DNA Double Helix (universecelestial.wordpress.com)
- James Watson's demonstration project in Greece (demikaia.com)
- DNA: The Secret of Life (milkandcookies.com)
- DNA Nanostructures for Nano-medicine Applications (azonano.com)
- DNA Caught Rock 'N Rollin' (usnews.com)
Τετάρτη 20 Απριλίου 2011
Πατρίσια Ράιαν: Μην επιμένετε στα Αγγλικά!
Πατρίσια Ράιαν: Μην επιμένετε στα Αγγλικά!
About this talk
Στο TEDxDubai η παλαίμαχος δασκάλα αγγλικών Πατρίσια Ράιαν κάνει μία προκλητική ερώτηση: Μήπως η παγκόσμια έμφαση στα αγγλικά εμποδίζει την εξάπλωση σπουδαίων ιδεών σε άλλες γλώσσες; (Για παράδειγμα: τι θα γινόταν αν ο Αϊνστάιν έπρεπε να περάσει τις εξετάσεις TOEFL;) Είναι μία παθιασμένη υπεράσπιση της μετάφρασης και της ανταλλαγής ιδεών.
About Patricia Ryan
Patricia Ryan has spent the past three-plus decades teaching English in Arabic countries -- where she has seen vast cultural (and linguistic) change.
Why you should listen to her:
UK-born language teacher Patricia Ryan has spent most of the past 40 years teaching English in the countries of the Arabian Gulf.
She is currently teaching at Zayed University in Dubai, and studying for a second Masters degree in Law.
She is currently teaching at Zayed University in Dubai, and studying for a second Masters degree in Law.
"English is big business and languages are dying as never before. Is there a connection? Is this another manifestation of McDonaldisation – the undesirable face of globalization? Do we want to lose the variety of languages and all the rich culture that comes with them?"From TEDxDubai
Τα 8 μυστικά της επιτυχίας από τον Ρίτσαρντ Τζόνς
Τα 8 μυστικά της επιτυχίας από τον Ρίτσαρντ Τζόνς
About this talk
Γιατί κάποιοι άνθρωποι πετυχαίνουν; Επειδή είναι έξυπνοι; Ή απλά είναι τυχεροί; Τίποτα από τα δύο. Ο Ρίτσαρντ Τζονς καταθέτει το απόσταγμα πολλών ετών συνεντεύξεων σε μια αξέχαστη τρίλεπτη παρουσίαση σχετική με τα αληθινά μυστικά της επιτυχίας.
About Richard St. John
A self-described average guy who found success doing what he loved, Richard St. John spent more than a decade researching the lessons of success -- and distilling them into 8 words, 3 minutes and one successful book.
Why you should listen to him:
Richard St. John was on his way to the TED conference when a girl on the plane asked him, "What really leads to success?" Even though he had achieved some success, he couldn't explain how he did it. So he spent the next ten years researching success and asking over 500 extraordinarily successful people in many fields what helped them succeed. After analyzing, sorting, and correlating millions of words of research, and building one of the most organized databases on the subject of success, he discovered The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common and wrote the bestseller 8 To Be Great.
In his books and talks, he shares a wealth of wisdom from the world's most successful people -- knowledge that can help others succeed in their own way, whether it's escaping poverty, building a business, raising a family, or changing the world.
"It's so great. It's such a boost of confidence. This book really gives you a lot of self-esteem about who you are, and that you really can be somebody."Thomas Fischer, Habitat for Humanity
Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong
Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong
About this talk
Most of us will do anything to avoid being wrong. But what if we're wrong about that? "Wrongologist" Kathryn Schulz makes a compelling case for not just admitting but embracing our fallibility.
About Kathryn Schulz
Kathryn Schulz is the author of "Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error," and writes "The Wrong Stuff," a Slate series featuring interviews with high-profile people about how they think and feel about being wrong.
Why you should listen to her:
Kathryn Schulz is a journalist, author, and public speaker with a credible (if not necessarily enviable) claim to being the world's leading wrongologist. Her freelance writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, TIME Magazine, the Boston Globe, the "Freakonomics" blog of The New York Times, The Nation, Foreign Policy, and the New York Times Book Review, among other publications. She is the former editor of the online environmental magazine Grist, and a former reporter and editor for The Santiago Times, of Santiago, Chile, where she covered environmental, labor, and human rights issues. She was a 2004 recipient of the Pew Fellowship in International Journalism (now the International Reporting Project), and has reported from throughout Central and South America, Japan, and, most recently, the Middle East. A graduate of Brown University and a former Ohioan, Oregonian and Brooklynite, she currently lives in New York's Hudson Valley.
Sam Richards: A radical experiment in empathy
Sam Richards: A radical experiment in empathy
About this talk
By leading the Americans in his audience at TEDxPSU step by step through the thought process, sociologist Sam Richards sets an extraordinary challenge: can they understand -- not approve of, but understand -- the motivations of an Iraqi insurgent? And by extension, can anyone truly understand and empathize with another?
About Sam Richards
Sam Richards is a sociologist and teacher of the largest race relations course in the US. He argues that empathy is the core of sociology.
Why you should listen to him:
Identifying himself as "an iconoclast from Toledo, Ohio," and identified by David Horowitz as one of the "101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," Sam Richards is one of the most provocative, and popular, sociology teachers in the country. Every year 725 students at Penn State University take his course on race and ethnic relations, where he attacks, with humor and courage, questions most would choose to avoid.
He is also the founder of the World in Conversation project. Every year, more than 7,000 students participate in its mission is to create a conscious dialogue around the politically incorrect thoughts of the participants, bringing them out in the open for inspection.
He is also the founder of the World in Conversation project. Every year, more than 7,000 students participate in its mission is to create a conscious dialogue around the politically incorrect thoughts of the participants, bringing them out in the open for inspection.
Τρίτη 19 Απριλίου 2011
Βάρβαροι βάνδαλοι έκαψαν και πάλι παλαιά βιβλία μέσα σε Ελληνική Συναγωγή στην Κέρκυρα.
Και στα Χανιά έκαψαν πολλά σπάνια βιβλία κάποιοι εγκληματίες πέρσι. Τα βιβλία αυτά και όλα τα παλαιά βιβλία δεν είναι κτήμα κανενός για να τα καίει, και ανήκουν σε όλους όσους θέλουν να τα μελετήσουν, ανεξάρτητα θρησκείας και καταγωγής.
Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2011
Κυριακή 17 Απριλίου 2011
Diane Laufenberg: Πώς μαθαίνουμε; Από τα λάθη μας.
Diane Laufenberg: Πώς μαθαίνουμε; Από τα λάθη μας.
About this talk
H Diana Laufenberg μοιράζεται μαζί μας 3 εντυπωσιακά πράγματα που έμαθε για την διδασκαλία - συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του γεγονότος ότι κανείς μαθαίνει από τα λάθη του.
About Diana Laufenberg
Diana Laufenberg teaches 11th-grade American History at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.Why you should listen to her:
SLA is an inquiry-driven, project-based high school focused on 21st-century learning. SLA provides a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum with a focus on science, technology, mathematics and entrepreneurship. Students at SLA learn in a project-based environment where the core values of inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation and reflection are emphasized in all classes.
Read Laufenberg's evolving page of links on "Embracing Failure" >>
Related articles
- 10 rules by which schools should follow in order to sustain engaging learning with the students (annmic.wordpress.com)
- Project Based Learning? Clear Targets Please. (darcymullin.wordpress.com)
- Students at playgrounds across the area jump - for science and for the Phila. festival (philly.com)
- Teachers Teaching Teachers #207 "We've been taken over once again by something that we couldn't stop, can't stop" - 06.30.10 (edtechtalk.com)
Νορίνα Χερτζ: Πότε να απευθυνθείτε σε ειδικό -- και πότε όχι
Νορίνα Χερτζ: Πότε να απευθυνθείτε σε ειδικό -- και πότε όχι
About this talk
Κάθε μέρα παίρνουμε σημαντικές αποφάσεις, και πολύ συχνά βασιζόμαστε σε ειδικούς για να μας βοηθήσουν να αποφασίσουμε. Σύμφωνα όμως με τη οικονομολόγο Νορίνα Χερτζ, εάν βασιζόμαστε πολύ στους ειδικούς, μπορεί να αποβεί περιοριστικό, ακόμη και επικίνδυνο. Μάς καλεί να εκδημοκρατίσουμε την εξειδίκευση, να μην συμβουλευόμαστε μόνο "χειρουργούς και διευθυντές, αλλά και το προσωπικό των καταστημάτων".
About Noreena Hertz
Noreena Hertz looks at global culture -- financial and otherwise -- using an approach that combines traditional economic analysis with foreign policy trends, psychology, behavioural economics, , anthropology, history and sociology.Why you should listen to her:
An influential economist on the international stage, Hertz also played an influential role in the development of (RED), an innovative commercial model to raise money for people with AIDS in Africa, having inspired Bono (co-founder of the project) with her writings.
Her work is considered to provide a much needed blueprint for rethinking economics and corporate strategy. She is the Duisenberg Professor of Globalization, Sustainability and Finance based at Duisenberg School of Finance, RSM, Erasmus University and University of Cambridge. She is also a Fellow of University College London.
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