Aristotle 384-322 BC was the most important founder of Western Philosophy and Science. He was born in Stageira in Halkidiki Makedonia to the east of Thessaloniki.
He was the teacher of Alexander the Great, the most prolific writer of the ancient world who wrote on Physics, Metaphysics, Logic, Morality, Biology and the Arts.
A diverse genius in the mold of the great Leonardo Da Vinci but he preceded him by 2000 years. Unfortunately most of his writings are lost today we are left with some tantalizing fragments here and there.
He was Plato's student but in many respects he surpassed his own teacher.
He was the teacher of Alexander the Great, the most prolific writer of the ancient world who wrote on Physics, Metaphysics, Logic, Morality, Biology and the Arts.
A diverse genius in the mold of the great Leonardo Da Vinci but he preceded him by 2000 years. Unfortunately most of his writings are lost today we are left with some tantalizing fragments here and there.
He was Plato's student but in many respects he surpassed his own teacher.
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