I am sure that most of you have heard about Battle of Marathon, where 10.000 Greeks fought against 80.000 Persian force.
Less of you probably have heard about famous naval battle of Salamis. Where 370 ships of Greek Fleet were outnumbered by 800-1000 Persian ships.
Bottom line is that Greeks always fight in minor numbers.
Today Greece belongs to minority too. There are no allies, there are no friends for us and there never were. Despite Greece protects Southern borders of Europe for thousands of years, European states have answered only with interest of occupation in the recent history.
Italy is out neighbor, and it came to us with weapons and Mussolini's soldiers in 1940. Nazi Germany occupied Greece in 1940. Brits hadn't fought to liberate Greece, but as soon Germans retreated from Greece under the threat of being cut off by Red Army, Brits rushed in and occupied free Greece establishing their "protectorate" over Greece and Cyprus. Both countries were betrayed in 1974.
And today Greece is under modern kind of occupation. Modern occupation forces don't wear uniforms, but they wear suits and ties. They don't have rifles, their weapons are paper and pen. They kill economies. And take small countries into a debt hole. And any country cannot resist if it is divided inside. And Greece is divided! Divided between politicians and people. Weak politicians are the "fifth column" of betray of modern countries. Ephialtes of Trachis betrayed Spartans. Michalis Christoforakos, a former director of Siemens Hellas, is one of modern traitors of the modern Greece. He and others stole all these money from Greek state, from Greek taxpayers and created this huge debt for Greece. He studied in German school in Athens, and then in Germany. If we look a bit back in history, we will discover that his grand-father Christoforakos was co-operatiing with Nazi occupation forces in 1940 and was later executed for betrayal. We all heard a saying that "History repeats itself". These modern traitors are not executed, they ran away from Greece and live in our countries, just like Michalis Christoforakos, who today hides in Germany.
In whole 5000 of Greek civilization, Greece always had a leader or even more than one. Strong personalities. Masters of foreign policy and military matters. They were putting national interests above their personal ones. This era have ended very recently. For last 40 years governing of Greece became something like family business. Two families, Papandreou and Karamanlis, run Greece in succession. They say that they are on opposing different sides, they divide Greek citizens to "greens" and "blues", "left wing" and "right wing"... allegedly. They made people to turn their sight inside of country and watch another fellow citizen like an enemy, because he is on the "wrong" wing. Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. And modern Greece is conquered. As recent events have proven, there never was any different in those two parties. They are ABSOLUTELY THE SAME! "Left" patry takes the most anti-people measures in the whole history of Greece.
They both are under the finger of the USA and EU. But if the Great Andreas Papandreou and the Great Konstandinos Karamanlis and the Great Elevtherios Venizelos still were outstanding and strong personalities, then their grandsons Kostas Karamanlis, E. Venizelos and Georgios Papandreou are like muppet show. Greece today doesn't have a Premier Minister. George Andreas Papandreou is not a Premier Minister. He is just a clerk of European Union, of Germany's clerk if you want to be more specific. He doesn't think for his own, he doesn't bargain, he does nothing. He only runs back and forth to Brussels and delivers "mail" to Greeks. "Guys, they told me to do this." "Guys, now we have to do that, because they told me."
One may wonder, why Greeks keep attached to those two families? Aren't there any other political forces in Greece? To whom should Greek electorate give its vote? Let's see a political pie.
PASOK, and Nea Dimokratia are ABSOLUTELY THE SAME, useless slaves and thieves.
Who else? Communists, fascists, ultra lefts and green ecologists! No, thank you, but no!
So... for whom would you vote? Is there anyone? Open up your TV, the answer is on streets of Athens!!!
Bottom line, Greece is on cross-road of Europe, Asia and Africa and for 5000 years it was fighting along and sometimes even for others. But no-one ever fought for Greece.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, please spare 40 minutes of your time and watch what Greeks were doing in Korea. And learn one of unknown pages of great Greek military traditions - the battle of Hill Harry. Where 110 Greeks faced 3000 Chinese communists.
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