Adam Weishaupt, Illuminati (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Fulford speaks about the asian mafia to kill all illuminati if they continue with the extermination of 2/3rd of mankind ! His goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment. Benjamin Fulford had issued an ultimatum to the Illuminati on behalf of an ancient Chinese Secret society, consisting of six million members, including thousands of assassins, gangsters and ninjas:
"Desist with your plans for world depopulation or else you and your families will be assassinated."
"We will pluck out the eye at the top of the Illuminati pyramid," Fulford told us. "We have trained ninjas close to them all. They will be wiped out in a matter of hours."
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