Contact: Ioannis Fidanakis, Tel. 1-(973)-464-0211
New York, NY- (4/7/2001) April -6th Across from the United Nations, they assembled. Greek American Community Leaders, American Scholars, and American Activists to remember the victims of the Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian Genocides perpetrated by Turkey from 1914 till 1923. The 3rd Annual Greek Genocide Commemoration was sponsored by Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’ and supported by the Hellenic League of America, HLA. This year’s event, as always, was held on April 6th the Pan-Hellenic Memorial Day for the Genocide of Thracian Hellenism, which is in remembrance of Black Easter in 1914.
As in past year’s UN workers, Tourists and average day New Yorker’s were welcomed at Ralph Bunche Park by placards of reproduced American newspaper accounts of the Greek Genocide and enlarged photos of “Enver’ Pasha and Mustafa Kemal. Those who took interested in the commemoration received an educational pamphlet about the Greek Genocide produced by the Hellenic League of America, HLA. For the second year in a role the event was commenced by the reading of the ancient Orphic Hymn ‘Thanatos’ by Georgia Nomikos. This year’s Master of Ceremonies was past President of Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’ Ioannis Fidanakis. Mr Fidanakis began the event by thanking those in attendance and acknowledging such notable attendees as Mr. Bill Theodosakis. Mr. Theodosakis has been organizing a Greek Genocide Memorial at Three Hierarch’s Church in Brooklyn since the 90s. After which Mr. Fidanakis read a statement from Greek MP Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou who supported the event. Mr. Fidanakis made public afterwards of his intentions to draft a letter with the support of the Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’ to be submitted to the Greek Parliament to raise the question of April 6th official recognition as the day of remembrance for the Genocide of Thracian Hellenism, as the Greek Government did for May 19th in remembrance of the Genocide of Pontian Hellenism back in 1994 and September 14th for Genocide of Asia Minor Hellenism in 1998.
Speakers this year included such Greek American Community leaders as, Mr. Dimitris Molohides the President of the Pan Pontian Federation of USA and Canada and Dr. William Samonides the President of the Asia Minor Hellenic American Society, as well as Mr. Elias Tsekerides the President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York. In a powerful speech, President Tsekerides, call upon the United States Government to Act now in keeping their promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide, but also to include all the Christian victims, Assyrians, Pontian Greeks, Anatolian Greeks and Thracian Greeks. At one point during President Tsekerides speech he stated, “ Ladies and Gentlemen, The Thracian Genocide, like all other Genocides was a systematic torture, massacre and ethnic cleansing of several millions Hellenes (Greeks) perpetrated by the Turks throughout historic THRACE, an area that includes Constantinople (now called Istanbul by the Turks), Eastern Thrace, and the islands of Imvros and Tenedos. During the Byzantine Empire era, Thrace was regarded as an important center of Hellenism. As a result of the conquest of Constantinople there was slaughtering, plundering and flight by the Thracians towards Western Europe and the Balkan countries, as well as forcible islamification for those who remained. Among the people that were forced to change faith the phenomenon of crypto-Christianity was noticed, a phenomenon that is also prevalent in current times”.
The true star of the commemoration, however, was Jewish-American Activist and Author Pamela Geller. Ms. Geller truly stole the moment with an electrifying speech, in which Ms. Geller stated, ‘How can we possibly address a problem if we are afraid to diagnose the problem and say what it is? Hitler himself said it was the template of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides that formulated his plan for the Jews during World War Two”. Ms. Geller continued to publically ask why the Islamic World has not been made to make amends for such a horrible crimes against humanity, while other countries like Germany have for its past crimes. Ms. Geller commended the efforts of organizers to raise awareness of the Greek Genocide and at one point in her speech stated, “People need to see the pictures of the Armenian Genocide, people need to see the picture of the Assyrian Genocide, people need to know what happen. It is Genocide, and when Ab Foxman of the ADL says it shouldn’t be a Genocide, Shame on you! You of all people, who know up close and personal what a Genocide is”. Ms. Geller who has made numerous appearances on network television is the Editor and Publisher of the popular Blog Atlas Shrugs, Executive Director of FDI/SIOA and the author of the book ‘The Post-American Presidency, the Obama Administration’s War on America. Her complete speech can be viewed below.
Ms. Geller’s public support for the recognition of the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides and her call for the Greek American Community to wake up and raise awareness of its own Genocide raises the question, just what are the leading Greek American Advocacy Organizations, such as the American Hellenic Institute doing about the issue? They are after all supposed to be advocating our National Issues in Washington D.C.
The answer is sadly nothing. In fact not only is AHI not doing anything to raise awareness of the Greek Genocide or push for its recognition. Their official position undermines the entire cause for recognition. All one must do is simply check AHI’s Policy Statement to see that they still ignorantly support the idea of recognizing just the ‘Greek Pontian Genocide’ and its ‘500,000’ Pontian and Anatolian Greek victims, rather than supporting our Genocide’s complete recognition and its scholarly recognized 1.4 to 1.7 million victims. There by allowing their official position to forget the Thracian Greek victims and belittle the suffering of Asia Minor Greek victims.
It is the obligation of organizations, like AHI, to break free of petty regionalist agendas and support a policy that best represents historical truth and international justice. It is AHI’s obligation to Hellenism to follow a policy that does not turn our ‘lobby’ into a tool of one American political party to keep our community passive and in the dark. The illusion that has allowed Greek America to become indifferent must be destroyed. We must take heed to the words of Ms. Geller and educate ourselves and our neighbors if we are ever to see the Greek Genocide recognized.
Below you will find the video coverage of our event.
The full Speech of Dr. William Samonides, President of the Asia Minor Hellenic American Society.
The full Speech of Elias Tsekerides, President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York
Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’
P.O. Box 3280 Steinway Station
Long Island City, NY 11103
Web Site: Panthracian.blogspot.com
Hellenic League of America, HLA
Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’ Inc., is a not-for-profit Philanthropic and Cultural Organization serving the Thracian American community since 1983.
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by Hellenes, Phil-Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the Hellenic Cause. A register 501c nonprofit organization the Hellenic League of America, HLA works to spread awareness on Hellenic National Issues, as well as our ethnic traditions and culture. Founded in 2008 the HLA has been involved in organizing lectures, protests, rallies and commemoration across the tri-state area.
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