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Τετάρτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2012

UK Muslim Arbitration Tribunals are anti-human rights and really back ward

Gay muslims
Gay muslims (Photo credit: hebedesign)
The Muslim Arbitration Tribunals or courts in the United Kingdom are really shariah courts that follow un-civilized anti-human rights laws and follow Quranic Law. Shariah Law is a violation of basic human rights against women and children. Why would Great Brittan allow these Islamic sharia courts in their country? Muslims should follow English law, not some back ward 7th century law created by a false prophet.

Are countries like Sweden, Australia, Norway, USA, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, France and America going to allow these backward Islamic courts in their countries? Hopefully not, apparently the UK has buckled and now let Islamic laws to run along side English law handing out rulings and court decisions. Under Islam women are treated lesser than men in courts and rulings.

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